Itsuki and Hayato, two brothers who grew up in a village nestled deep in the mountains, set out to hunt down a wolf that has been attacking the livestock of the village.
Itsuki is about to go in for ...more
Itsuki and Hayato, two brothers who grew up in a village nestled deep in the mountains, set out to hunt down a wolf that has been attacking the livestock of the village.
Itsuki is about to go in for the kill when a gigantic beast appears out of nowhere, snatching up the wolf in its jaws and sucking the life out of it.
The beast that stared Itsuki down was a gargantuan, blood-sucking vampire deer?
Will the two brothers be able to return to the village alive?!
Find out in this blood-filled action-packed story by extraordinary mangaka Kaishaku!
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