Arslan Senki

Ch.032 Return of the Warrior

Ch.001 Ecbatana's Glory Ch.002 The Battle At Atropatene Ch.003 The Black Knight Ch.004 Reunion With an Old Friend Ch.005 Kingly Generosity Ch.006 Arrow of Deliverance Ch.007 The Wandering Musician Ch.008 The Blood-Soaked Gate Ch.009 A Wild Party of Bloodshed Ch.010 The Captured Queen Ch.011 Kharlan Goes to Batte Ch.012 A Peerless Beauty Ch.013 The Traitor Hero Ch.014 The King's Whereabouts Ch.015 The Rightful King Ch.016 The Love of King Innocentis Ch.017 Beneath the Mask Ch.018 Reunion by the Shore Ch.019 The Second Prince Ch.020 The Lord the Fortress at Kashan Ch.021 Hodir's Plot Ch.022 For One's Lord Ch.023 The Site of Justice Ch.024 Hand of the Devil Ch.025 The Heroic Legend of Arslan Ch.026 Minstrel in the Moonlight Ch.027 Son OF Kharlan Ch.028 Daughter of the Zot Clan(fixed) Ch.029 A Village at Twilight Ch.030 Shadow of the Snake King Ch.031 Behind One's Eyelids Ch.032 Return of the Warrior Ch.033 Sam's Submisson Ch.034 The Magic Mountain Ch.035 Twin-Blade's Falcon Ch.036 The Character of A King Ch.037 Ch.038 Ch.039 Royal Blood Ch.040 Three Principles Ch.041 The Handsome Sindhuran Ch.042 A Foreign Sky Ch.043 Ceremony of the New Year Ch.044 The Guide in the Dark of Night Ch.045 The Battle of Gujarat Ch.046 Ch.047 The Day of the Decisive Battle Ch.048 The Thundering Elephantry Ch.049 King Karikala's Decision Ch.050 The Beast in the Arena Ch.051 The Gods' Judgement Ch.052 The Sun Sets on the Capital Ch.053 The Last Supper Ch.054 Ch.055 Ch.056 Ch.057 Ch.058 Ch.059 Ch.060 Ch.061 Ch.062 Ch.063 Ch.064 Ch.065 Ch.066 Ch.067 Ch.068 Ch.069 Ch.070 Ch.071 Ch.072 Ch.073 Ch.074 Ch.075 Ch.076 Ch.077 Ch.078 Ch.079 Ch.080 Ch.081 Ch.082 Ch.083 Ch.084 Ch.085 Ch.086 Ch.087 Ch.088 Ch.089 Ch.090 Ch.091 Ch.092 Ch.093 Ch.094 Ch.095 Ch.096 Ch.097 Ch.098 Ch.099 Ch.100 Ch.101 Ch.102 Ch.103 Ch.104 Ch.105 Ch.106 Ch.107 Ch.108 Ch.109 Ch.110 Ch.111 Ch.112 Ch.113 Ch.114 Ch.115 Ch.116 Ch.117 Ch.118 Ch.119 Ch.120 Ch.121 Ch.122 Ch.123 Ch.124 Ch.125 Ch.126 Ch.127 Ch.128 Ch.129 Ch.130 Ch.131 Ch.132 Ch.133.1 Ch.133.2 Ch.134 Ch.135 Ch.136 Ch.137
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