Psychometrer Eiji

Vol.14 Ch.112 The Terrorist's Requiem 5

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Visitor2013-04-12 18:43

I guess the question that one should ask Ponytail would be why he would be so emotionally invested. Second, how could he ever face that little girl if he had to explain to her why he was protecting the men that gang raped and brutalized her (try to relativize rape to the victim, tell her that it's not something so grave that they would "deserve" such a harsh punishment because they, despite being in their twenties, happened to be technically underage -they brutalized her a year too early-). I guess it should be someone he cared more about. His mother, peraphs -we have already seen that being able to "distinguish right from wrong" didn't matter much to him in the serial killer case, when it was the woman he loved to be targeted-. Can't see what age would have to do with the moral evaluation of the act, frankly, since logically making a habit of taking turns brutalizing middle school children wouldn't constitute somethnig you would be more prone to do because you are young and inesperienced. No, those rape buddies were not getting through a "rebellious phase", there is no such thing as a "rape phase" young me go through, that turns them into child raping pedophiles.


Visitor2013-04-11 17:40

Quite simply, they did use "alternative methods". A slap on the wrist, as the criminals already realized, and rightly mocked. A system that protects the criminals and does the equivalent of raping the victim a second time. The result? Well, as anyone with a brain would be able to understand, if you are the kind of person that gets his jollis off on routinely getting together to take turns raping and brutalizing a middleschool child, that's really not something that comes from immaturity or lack of knowledge, it's something that should be immediately perceived as revolting by any morally normal person. If, instead, the idea of keeping her on the ground while your buddyes abuse her, waiting for your turn to come, gives you an erection, then the idea of releasing you into society a few months afterwards is simply criminal, insane, in and of itself. That's not something that is attributable to age, or lack of experience. They know it's wrong. Everyone with a normal moral conscience understands that instinctively in this day and age, and would be repulsed by such an act. The pedophilic rapists we are talking about didn't, therefore the inutility to wait for them to "live with it" (useless from the point of view of the victim, and certainly not a punishment of any kind for them: it's the sort of thing that would only apply to people with a conscience, and even then, it's not as if crimes such as raping and murdering ar punished by guilt tripping, please, at the very least as a matter of keeping public order. With this "logic", Ponytails should have noticed 1) his own attempted murder of the serial killer would be unjustifiable -he was mentally ill, unable to distinguish right from wrong-. By contrast, the 19-years old MEN (wikipedia teaches us that adolescence stops at 16, before 17), were not mentally unbalanced or anything at the time of the fact. And it's true that you might get into a fight, or steal something, because of immaturity (the middle school victim did the latter in Ponytail's store). It's not true that you would, say, strangle an infant, or take turns raping and brutalizing a child, because of immaturity. It's not the sort of thing people do "because" they are young, their age simply "doesn't" play a part in them committing such an horrific act, therefore sholudn't really be made into a central point. It's not as if they wouldn't have done, say, a year later, when they were adults, or if the nature of the crime would have changed suddenly and dramatically had they happened to be born a year earlier. By the way, since some of them were looking forward to rape again (getting the last rapes in befor reaching the end of impunity or study? Well, I think I will study for tests tonight... well, suit yourself, I will go rape a child with the other three... good lord!). The police officer taking them out certainlywasn't the best way to avoid that, but frankly, if I was the father of one of the middleschool children that were spared such an horrific experience because of that, I would something to be grateful for. If we followed the other, sexist and misoginist line of thought, the rape apologetic argument, logically unsustainable, that, insultingly enough for any non-rapist, morally normal young men, suggests that rape has to with youth, lack of experience, "not knowing its' wrong" (might be that a murderer would see murder different than I... not a good reason to release him on the street, to do it again), then it's only a matter of chance. Eiji has a sister of an "appetible" age for the pedophilic sexual predators he is trying to protect. We know at least some of them are active rapists (after all, they were serial child rapists). A good way to put these ideas to the test would be imagining a scenario in which they would get away from the police officer and gang rape his little sister (or Ponytail's mom). Then let's see if they are still singing the tune of "special ways to treat the youths" (not something any young man would say about himself... apart from the fact that it would be insulting and condescending to tell a young man that because he is young, he might not undrestand why raping someone is bad, and might well do something so wicked because of the immaturity of being one year below the age of majoirity, it's obvious that if you can enjoy, and get a hard on, because you are holding down a middle schooler while your buddies rape her, and then proceed to rape her yourself, and that's how you get to have your "fun", then that's not something that has absolutely "anything" to do with rape. Bottom line being, by following that line of reasoning, other young women and children "were" getting raped. And their victims had to live with the knowledge that their lives being permanently scarred, ruined, was worth a few months of jails, then their assailants were free to walk around the streets again, unaffected, ready to do it to someone else. For whatever reason that might be (even accepting the unsustainable argument that a serial sexual predator routinely gang raping children would be imputable to his age -not that 19 would bee too early to understand that rape was wrong-, that doesn't exactly matter at all to the victim, that is still gonna get raped while they take their good time turning into at least not socially dangerous human beings), six months or something of that sort was simply criminal. You give them the "special measure" and bullshit "they are young" argument (didn't know raping someone, smothering a baby, etc., needed actual maturity to be recognized as abominable by anyone morally normal -clearly that's not something like getting into a fight or stealing because of a bet, that would be imputable to immaturity and simple lack of responsibility-... twisted now, twisted one year from now, when the arbitrarily decided condition of 20 is reached), you expose other women and children to the risk of being raped. They did rape other people, or were prepared to, at least in part (and not reporting a felony is, usually, considered a felony: if they were informed and didn't try to prevent that, then they would be only slightly less responsible... by the way, knowing and not doing anything either way "is" a thing, Ponytail might consider. Not approving, but not exactly feeling the need to get out of your way to keep around someone that migh as well have raped your mother -or Eiji's sister in his case-, or do one day). It's the kind of thing that one needs to think about. Frankly, they were inclined to rape again. If they did something like that, afterwards, it "could" have been Eiji's sister, or Ponytail's mom. Not to say that simply spouting do-goodist bullshit and rape apologetics ("they were young") would warrant "that" as a punishment, but if you are going to claim that they "paid their debt to society", justice was served, rape is not wiked, simply an act of immaturity, etc., then the claim should be put to the test -too easy if as a result of your short sighted decision only "other people's" children were raped, and you could still sit on the pedestral, spouting do goodist bullshit while releasing dangerous sexual predators in the street -a punk getting into a fight might be something that goes away with age, but a sexual predator that enjoys gang raping children is not someone you should release after six months simply because he "appears", he "tells you", to "regret" it... not that it would do any good to the family, but things like gang rapes of children, brutalizing a middle schooler, would seem to need a little more punishment than a simple guilt trip, or "understand what you did wrong", that's something a school might do to correct vandalism and avoid suspension... not that one that does that kind of thing would do it "because" of his age, age simply doesn't play a part in it, and shouldn't be considered to be a "factor", be it 19 or 91-.


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