
Ch.169 The Man With Big-Ass Ears

Ch.001 Welcome to Paradise Ch.002 A Rookie's Dream Ch.003 Ch.004 Ch.005 Ch.006 Ch.007 Ch.008 Ch.009 Ch.010 Ch.011 Ch.012 Ch.013 Ch.014 Ch.015 Ch.016 Ch.017 Ch.018 Ch.019 Ch.020 Ch.021 Ch.022 Ch.023 Ch.024 Ch.025 Ch.026 Ch.027 Ch.028 Ch.029 Ch.030 Ch.031 Ch.032 Ch.033 Ch.034 Ch.035 Ch.036 Ch.037 Ch.038 Ch.039 Ch.040 Ch.041 Ch.042 Ch.043 Ch.044 Ch.045 Ch.046 Ch.047 Ch.048 Ch.049 Ch.050 Ch.051 Ch.052 Ch.053 Ch.054 Ch.055 Ch.056 Ch.057 Ch.058 Ch.059 Ch.060 Ch.061 Ch.062 Ch.063 Ch.064 Ch.065 Ch.066 Ch.067 Ch.068 Sentimental Ch.069 The Spoiled Flower Arranging Club Ch.070 Complex Ch.071 Get Pumped for Tests Ch.072 Clear, Serene Ch.073 The Right Man Ch.074 1-D Ch.075 An 8-Month Rookie Ch.076 The Weight of the Stature Books Ch.077 Marathon Man Ch.078 Ch.079 Ch.080 Ch.081 Ch.082 Ch.083 Ch.084 Ch.085 Ch.086 Ch.087 Ghost Ch.088 Ikebe Manual Ch.089 Subject Ch.090 Murogawa High School Baseball Team Ch.091 Assault Into Enemy Territory Ch.092 Bloody Play Ball Ch.093 No Outs Ch.094 K.K.K. Ch.095 Aniya's Delight Ch.096 Mikoshiba's Anxiety Ch.097 Premonition Ch.098 Megurogawa Baseball Ch.099 Trick Pitch Ch.100 The Aesthetic of Man Ch.101 The Scenery From 0-2 Ch.102 As One Ch.103 Superstar (For Now) Ch.104 Cut the Wind Ch.105 Three-Month Special Ch.106 The Depression of Dreadhead Okada Ch.107 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth Ch.108 Kawato Once Again Ch.109 Their First Baseball Ch.110 Miscalculation Ch.111 Full Throttle Ch.112 Engine Ch.113 The Footsteps of Fear Ch.114 Bluff Ch.115 I Don't Like That Confidence Ch.116 All Options Exhausted, Awaiting God's Will Ch.117 Anger Ch.118 Persistence Ch.119 Begging the Cat Ch.120 A Dream for Some Point Ch.121 Wakana the Spineless Boy Ch.122 Here Comes the Clean-up Ch.123 Top of the Nine, Two Outs, Bases Loaded Ch.124 All Options Exhausted, Awaiting God's Will Ch.125 Filthy Bastards Ch.126 Requiem Ch.127 Starting Line Ch.128 Sprouts of Winter Ch.129 Glorious Winning Ball Ch.130 Wednesday Sprinter Ch.131 Kawato's Secret Locker Ch.132 King of Pussies Ch.133 Old Friends and A Woman's Heart Ch.134 Making Contact at the Riverside Ch.135 Playing the Hero Ch.136 The 1/10 Throne Ch.137 The Sardine's Head Is Revealed Ch.138 Snapper Ch.139 The Pigeon and Crow Respect Their Elders Ch.140 Mugwort Grows Straight Among the Flax Ch.141 Can't Learn From Fujita-sensei Ch.142 New Kids Gonna Get Ya Ch.143 Spring Gathering Ch.144 The Real Akaboshi Ch.145 There's Always Tomorrow (Going to Georgia Ver.) Ch.146 Big Mouth Ch.147 Battle of the 5th Period Ch.148 Just Wanna Play Baseball Ch.149 No Difference Ch.150 Don't Wear Loafers With Your Jersey Ch.151 Predicament Ch.152 Illusory Den of Demons Ch.153 Akaboshi Gate Ch.154 This Year's Shitty Rookies Ch.155 Murmurs of Early Summer Ch.156 Ace Ch.157 A wise man changes his mind a fool never Ch.158 Video Love Letter Ch.159 Nikogaku Debut Ch.160 100x Payout Ch.161 RESPONSE Ch.162 Sasazaki Theater Ch.163 The Strkeout King's Perfect Game Ch.164 Virtual Fork Ch.165 Enemies on All Sides Ch.166 What's done is done Ch.167 Habitual Practices Ch.168 The light of a star Ch.169 The Man With Big-Ass Ears Ch.170 Drop! Ch.171 Positive Ch.172 Nikogaku Style Ch.173 The Index Finger of Wakana's Right Hand Ch.174 Troubleman Ch.175 Indomitable Perseverance Ch.176 The Squeeze Ch.177 Flash Back Ch.178 The Hearts of Edogawa Ch.179 The Mound of Despair Ch.180 The Spirit of Kome-Hyappyo Ch.181 Fool To Cry Ch.186 A Coach's Duty Ch.187 The Defeat of the Fork Ch.188 Farewell, Mikoshiba Ch.189 Pitching Machine Ch.190 Let's Play Real Baseball Ch.191 Maybe Ch.192 I'm Fine Being a Villain Ch.193 Only now Ch.194 Ch.195 Ch.196 Ch.197 Ch.198 Ch.199 Ch.200 Ch.201 Ch.202 Ch.203 Ch.204 Ch.205 Ch.206 Ch.207 Ch.208 Thank You Ch.209 Heroes Ch.210 Ch.211 Nikogaku Crsis Ch.212 One Hard Day Ch.213 Imbalance Ch.214 Dark Horse Ch.215 Like a Cat, Ignorant of Love, It Will Still Play With a Ball. Ch.216 TV Broadcast Ch.217 The New Megurogawa Ch.218 Ch.219 Ch.220 Mismatch Ch.221 Time To Live! Ch.222 Anesthesia Ch.223 Resolve Ch.224 Captain Ch.225 It'll Be Okay Ch.226 So It Was Me... Ch.227 For That One At Bat Ch.228 Willpower Ch.229 Kawato Isn't Here Ch.230 An Elixir Ch.231 Run, Tumbling Dice! Run! Ch.232 Ch.233 Ch.233.5 [Oneshot]
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