Latest Chapter:Ch.056
Nao Yoshikawa stays behind to live by herself when her parents leave to inherit her grandpa’s farm in the cou...
Author:SANO Takashi
Latest Chapter:Vol.06 Ch.060
16-year old Saji has nothing better to do than fantasize about beautiful young women all day. But he has his h...
Author:TAKAHASHI Yoichi
Latest Chapter:Vol.37 Ch.114
11-year-old Tsubasa Ohzora transfers to his new school where he quickly becomes the star of the school’s socc...
Author:IZUBUCHI Yutaka
Latest Chapter:Vol.03 Ch.016.5
A mysterious orb envelops the city of Tokyo. All forms of communication are severed, leaving the inhabitants o...
Author:SHIGEMATSU Takako
Latest Chapter:Vol.06 Ch.039
Poor Yuzu is an orphan who’s too clumsy to hold a job. She’s reduced to living in a playground -- until a ha...
Author:TAKAGUCHI Satosumi
Latest Chapter:Vol.05 Ch.017
From Blu: Watch as the worlds of anime voice acting and high school hockey collide! The boyishly handsome S...
Author:TAKAYA Natsuki
Latest Chapter:Vol.10 Ch.065
From Suba Furuba (a Takaya fansite): In a small town in the countryside, close to the sea, a young high-schoo...
Author:TAKANAGA Hinako
Latest Chapter:Vol.03 Ch.004
Kojima seeks to befriend the class outcast, and soon learns of Nakahara’s troubled family life - of his uncar...
Author:HAMORI Takashi
Latest Chapter:Vol.04 Ch.074
From MangaProject: Katsuo is starting a new semester,he wants to throw away his dark past and build up the br...
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.157
From Sweet Lunacy: A few years ago, when walking home from his usual late-night hang-out in Shibuya, Kouta st...
Latest Chapter:Vol.02 Ch.007
Kyouji is a Buddhist exorcist, and although he can’t see ghosts, his best friend and lover, Yu, can! Maybe th...
Hisho wa Shachou ni Kudokareru
Author:TAKAKURA Tomoko
Latest Chapter:Vol.01 Ch.007
1) The Secretary Is Persuaded By The President In Secretary Kanzaki’s eyes, President Shijou is a rich flirt...