Spoilers & News > Bleach Spoilers > Bleach 538 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

Bleach 538 spoilers [MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

05.15.2013 15:43

Bleach 538 Spoilers!!! Bleach 538 Prediction and Discussions!!!  Bleach 537  has been released now!!!

Bleach 538 spoiler summary:

Trans: czeliate



一护从一堆跪着的黑色浅打中 拉出了自己的浅打 一个逐渐变白的带着虚面具的浅打




镜头转到了修兵和拳西【尼玛 这两人终于见上面了啊】 木想到久南白瞬间打断了二人谈话 似乎是久南白要训练修兵




This chapter has a lot of things happen,
The girl who sticks besides nimaiya appears infront of Ichigo
Once again, Ichigo was locked up in Nimaiya’s small dark house
Ichigo hits on his Asauchi from a bunch of kneeling black Aasuchi, his Asauchi wears a hollow mask and its nearly turning white.
The scene switches to Toushiro and his squads, Toshiro thought about the problem of Bankai
Scene then switches to Hisagi and Kensei, Mashiro then intervenes their conversation, it seems like Mashiro wants to train Hisagi
Scene then switches to Koma, Koma walks into a cave (enchanted cave?), and met his uncle


note: you missed the last part Dramas XD


好吧 开玩笑的 其实只是大狗尊称他为“大爷”不知道中文是不是还翻译成大爷






Alright, I was kidding, actually Koma calls him “big uncle / uncle” , but I’m not sure if it translates as “uncle” in Chinese
Uncle is an old dog


the end

Bleach 537 "Everything But the Rain OP.10" Summary:

Isshin explains to Ichigo that under normal circumstances, Masaki should have been able to fend off Grand Fisher on that day. Unfortunately, Bach happen to be reawakening during that time, and to regain his power he stole the powers of all of the Quincies he considered impure, and this included Masaki and Uryu's mom Katagiri (who died from sickness after losing her powers). Without her powers, Masaki was killed by Grand Fisher, and Isshin couldn't do anything at that time since he had no shinigami powers. Isshin explains that Bach is the one where all Quincies originated, and his blood flows in every Quincy. After hearing Isshin's story, Ichigo decides he is leaving. Outside the clinic, Ichigo sees Ikumi who gives back Ichigo his substitute shinigami badge.

Meanwhile, Bach has a meeting with Uryu.


what do you think about ch 537?

Bleach 538 Spoiler Trivia: When Ichigo takes a new Hollow form in his fight against Ulquiorra, the chapter sketches reveal his Substitute Shinigami Badge is broken.


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Bleach 538 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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