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MangaHere Christmas Activity
12.14.2012 14:35
♥ ♥ Share the Funny Scenes From the Manga/Anime! ♥ ♥
Hello, Manga/Anime fans:
A very merry Christmas and a happy new year, hope it’s a good one, this is Christmas and we hope you have fun.
This is MangaHere Activity Purpose: We hope all of us can share the funny scenes from the Manga/Anime and hope you can enjoy those funny things from others’ sharing.
Our Activity Procedure is easy: Share the words, the pictures from the manga/anime, ANTHING IS OK AS LONG AS YOU THINK IT’S FUNNY. JUST SHARE IT. It would be great to SEE YOUR THOUGHTS about the funny scene.
Good News: If the funny posts get A Large Number of Likes and Comments, we will show them on our MangaHere Mangazine Issue #10 of this month. Do you want to show your funny sharing to other fans? Why wait? Let’s Go!
PS: Please point out what manga/anime are those pictures from, and it would be better if you leave the manga’s link from MangaHere.com.
Enter the Activity: http://www.facebook.com/events/567028513314676/