Spoilers & News > Naruto Spoilers > Naruto 633 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

Naruto 633 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

05.29.2013 17:06


Naruto 633 spoilers!!! NARUTO 633 Predictions&Discussions!!! 


Naruto 632 has been released now!!! Read it on MangaHere.com!

Read Naruto 632 here: http://www.mangahere.com/manga/naruto/v63/c632/
Naruto 633 Spoiler (Picture)

 同期メンバーの新術、新連携攻撃 等で十尾を攻撃



後でまだ来て無かったら書くね 出来たらohanaさんよろしく

New techniques from current members.
New combination attacks.
The a last attacks the Juubi.

Sai comes from the sky and says “I’m Team 7 too !” and is shot down.
How long until you can use Kyuubi’s chakra ?
Then Team 7 does Summoning Jutsu !
I think it’s kinda the same page a during the sannin battle !
Even if their overall appearance is different though.
I think Bunta and Katsuyu are the same, maybe …

End of Nartuo 633 Spoiler.


What do you think about  naruto chapter 632?  


Sasuke gets to the battlefield!!! With a new resolves, they are ready to go!! Team 7! Go! 

We'll show them our power! 

Sakura, powerful face! 





Sakura: Shaannaroo!! 




The Juubi forms lots of human clones to attack the ninja alliance.


Sakura uses some sort of jutsu to eradicate the clones. Naruto trembles from exhaustion while Sasuke smiles at him smugly. 



I get the same expression as Naruto! 


If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.

Naruto 633 Spoiler Trivia:  Hasirama face on the Hokage Monument has a crack across the bridge of the nose. However, in flashbacks, no such scar is visible This may be due to simple damage as Hiruzen’s face on the monument suffered similar damage.






Naruto 633 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!




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