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100+ Fan-Made Mangekyo Sharingan

04.01.2012 14:49

The Mangekyō Sharingan (万華鏡写輪眼; Literally meaning "Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye") is an advanced form of the Sharingan that has only been activated by a handful of Uchiha.

Mangekyo Sharingan is one of the best creation by Kishimoto Masashi and I’m a fan of those myself. There are also a lot of fan-made Mangekyo Sharingan on the Internet (especially on DeviantART) and they are wicked cool! That is why today I decided to create a compilation of over 100 fan-made Mangekyo Sharingan. I hope, that you will enjoy it! 

First, I would like to introduce the Mangekyo Sharingan collection by n00bdude22 on DeviantART. This guy is really amazing.

Next is the Sharingan collection (including the real Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan) by Chase-TH who is also a member of DeviantART.

Another collection that I found it quite popular among Naruto fans but it is unknown who made these. So if any of you know, please let me know to give him/her credit for his/her art work.

Last but not least, this is some Mangekyo Sharingan that I designed. I just let my imagination go wild. Inspiration by Chase-TH.

Amazing!!! Thanks to the all naruto fans's work !!!


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