Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 657 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]
One Piece 657 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions&Discussions]
02.08.2012 09:39
One Piece 657 spoilers!!! One Piece 657 Predictions and Discussions !!! One Piece 656 has been released now!!!
海賊無双情報は青雉マゼラン??????? チャレンジモードの写真(ボスが多数出てくる)
扉絵 解体 ザンバイ
サンジ達一行は牢屋の中でバラバラになった生首を見つける しゃべる生首
息子を探しにきたそうな 一緒に脱出しようと提案するも海賊と知り拒絶
The flaming island is separated/on a lake with a frozen mountain on the other side. Usopp spots a flying dude/birdman.
Sanji and co are led into a jail and find a dismembered head. The dismembered head talks. It’s a citizen of Wano country. Looks like he came to find his son. He refuses to be acquainted with pirates? (I’m assuming it’s Sanji and co who propose they break out together.)
Anyway, they bust out of the jail with a Franky beam. Outside of the jail are a bunch of gigantic kids.
--------------------------------I'm moving ----------------------------------------------------------
Trivia: Interestingly, the oldest Shichibukai, Moriah, is also the tallest, whilst the youngest, Hancock, is the shortest. With the exception of Marshall D. Teach, all known Shichibukai (current and former) have an animal themed name.
If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below.
One Piece 657 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!