Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 668 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 668 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

05.16.2012 15:16

One Piece 668 spoilers!!!   One Piece 668 Predictions and Discussions !!! One Piece 667 has been released now!!!

One Piece 668 Spoilers Summaries:

ONE PIECE 第668話 海賊同盟
扉絵世界の甲板から 最終回 白ひげとエースの墓

ローの問いに対しルフィはその四皇はだれの事だ?と聞く。ナミは聞く耳もつなと言うもローの口から語られる が読者には聞こえない。聞いたのはローとルフィとナミ。
ルフィ『そうか???よし やろう』

ルフィはとにかく面白そうだしトラ男が良い奴じゃ無くても弐年修行したお前らが付いてるから大丈夫だと言う 。

?????の体からでたナミは代わりにサンジの体へin 爆笑する一味 チョッパーは暴走の影 響で動けず。

チョッパーは子供たちを助けたいと言っているがローは放っておけと言う。世界政府が人間の巨大化の研究を推 進しているらしい。
ナミは子供の安全を確認できるまではこの島を絶対に出ないと言う。ルフィも仲間がそうするなら俺もそうする と。
ウソップがローに進言、ルフィの思う同盟はローが思っているのと少し違うから主導権を握ろうと思うのは甘い と。自分勝手さはすでに四皇クラスだと。
仕方なく従うロー サムライの方はお前らで何とかしろと言い自分は子供の薬の件を調べるから船医付いてこい と言う。
結局チョッパーはローの刀の先にストラップ見たいにされてる。シーザーに付いてローから情報。覇気纏えない 物は決して近づくなと注意。
そのメンバーでシーザーを誘拐する計画。捕獲した後はローの計画で事態は動き出す。そうなると引き返せない らしい。捕獲も決して簡単じゃない。

研究所ではシーザーの部下(元囚人で改造人間)とスモーカー達との戦い。シーザーは実験体の捕獲では無くペ ットを召喚しようとする。




English version:


One Piece 668  Pirate Alliance


From the Decks of the World (Final Volume): WB and Ace’s graves


Luffy asks which Emperor Law wants to take down. Law tells Nami (not?) to listen. The reader can’t “hear” what he says, but Luffy and Nami do.


Luffy: “I see… Alright! Let’s do it!”


Luffy, Law, and Nami return to the rest of the crew.


Robin is worried about the idea of a pirate alliance, suggesting that they might be betrayed at some point.

Luffy: “Eh? Are you going to betray us?”

 Law: “No.”

Anyway, Luffy says that idea seems interesting to him, and that even if Law isn’t a good guy, everyone should be fine because of their two years of training.


Franky and Chopper return to their bodies.


Nami comes out of Franky’s body and goes into Sanji’s (because her own isn’t there)


Thanks to Franky’s rampage, Chopper is immobile.


Chopper wants to save the kids, but Law says to leave them alone. It seems the World Govt. is still researching how to turn humans into giants.


That Caesar already figured it out seems to have slipped right under the govt.’s and Vegapunk’s noses.


Nami says that she at least wants to confirm their safety by getting them off (?) the island. Luffy agrees, saying he’ll do whatever his friends want to do.


Luffy says that Sanji has become a bit attached to the Samurai (emotionally, I believe…) so won’t Law help them out? Law is surprised.


Usopp counsels Law. He says that the alliance he has in mind is probably a bit different from what Luffy believes it is, so he would be naive to try to suddenly make a power grab. He already thinks of himself as yonkou class (Luffy? not sure)


Without a choice, Law agrees. He leaves the matter of the samurai to the crew, and says that he’ll work on researching the matter of the kids and their drugs. He asks the ship’s doctor (Chopper…) to come along.


Because he still can’t move, Chopper gets on top of Law’s hat. Law is astonished.


In the end, it looks like Chopper gets strapped to Law’s sword. Law tells Chopper about Caesar. Those unable to use haki shouldn’t approach him.


Luffy says that he, Zoro, Sanji, and you (Law) can use haki.


So those members should kidnap Caesar. With his capture, Law’s plan can start to unfold. But from there, there’s no turning back. And capturing him will be no simple task.


In the lab, Caesar’s underlings (the remodeled former prisoners) and Smoker’s marines are fighting. But Caesar doesn’t try to capture them to use as guinea pigs; instead, he summons his pet… (?)


On the fiery side, the underlings open the gate. A giant slime emerges and annihilates them.


Not sure if it’s gas or something else.


 One Piece 667 "COOL FIGHT" Summary:


      Luffy and Franky (in Chopper's body) go after the Yeti Cool Brothers to get back Nami (in Franky's body). They fight against the Yeti Cool Brothers, when Law intercepts in the fight, and together, they beat the Yeti Cool Brothers. Law makes an offer to Luffy to take down a Yonko. 




  One Piece 668 Triva: Trafalgar is the name of a cape in the south-west of Spain. Its name is Arabic in origin, meaning “Western Cape”. It was the site of a famous naval battle between the British and the French/Spanish fleet during the Napoleonic Wars, dubbed the Battle of Trafalgar. London’s landmark Trafalgar Square is named for the battle, as is a class of submarines in the British Royal Navy.


Alreadyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!   Franky, you idiot!!!!!!!!        Luffy, run, this guy is going mad.

Gomu Gomu Nogating!!!!!

I suppose you should be more stronger….Chopper.

Law, nice work. But, are you going to betray CC.

Take down one of the four emperors??!! Are you going mad too, Law.


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One Piece 668  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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