Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 669 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 669 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

05.23.2012 09:25

 One Piece 669 Spoilers!!!  One Piece 669 Prediction and Discuss!!! One Piece 668 has been released now!!!

One Piece 669  Spoilers Summaries:


ONEPIECE 第669話 作戦開始


足跡見つけた三人はロマンを感じ足跡をたどる たどり着いたのは崖 
シーザーの部下がしたい回収に来たがサンジが目を覚まし部下を一蹴。ゾロとブルックを起こし再度サムライ探 しへ出発
一味が身ぐるみ剥がしたシーザーの部下達がゾロ達の前に現れ急いで逃げて行った。怪物が出たら しい。


たしぎ戦闘中に煙になる。能力はそのまま使えるらしい。船を奪って通報係は島を出発。スモーカーは自分の体 じゃ無い事にイライラ。


海軍VSシーザーの部下の所へ飛んできたルフィ?????ロビン 軍艦に直撃して到着した。(ぶつかる瞬間 にロビンは一人で羽をだして着地。)




The three (Zoro, Brook, Sanji) had found the footprints and decided to follow them out of a sense of “romance” (you know… adventure). They finally arrived at a cliff.
They were attacked from behind by the Cool Brothers kyp gas shells, put into a “dead drunk/sleepy” state, and dropped off the cliff.
Before they fell on the pincushion, Zoro was able to cut them (to make a safe landing spot?) before falling asleep.
Caesar’s underlings came to collect their bodies, but Sanji woke up and took them out. He wakes up Zoro and Brook and they resume looking for the samurai.
At their feet is a freezing Kinemon. They don’t notice him, however, and proceed to trample him.
His torso feels so cold that he thinks it must be submerged in water.
The underlings who had all their possessions stolen by the crew appear in front of Zoro, but quickly run away. It’s like they’ve seen a monster.
Before them is the silhouette of a slime as big as a mountain.
Caesar says that the incident 4 years ago WAS in fact the slime.
It’s not that he purified the gas (?); rather, he condensed it.


Tashigi turns into smoke in the middle of battle. She can use the power to that extent, anyway. They steal a boat and send someone off the island to make a full report. Smoker is annoyed that he doesn’t have his own body.


Chopper and Law arrive at the rear of the lab.
But in the instant that they try to enter, something comes flying out.
Luffy, Franky, and Robin fly into the Marines vs. Caesar’s underlings battle. They arrive with a direct hit to the battleship (?). (The instant they hit, Robin alone sprouts wings and lands safely)
Law, Smoker, and the underlings are all surprised.


 One Piece 668  "Pirate Alliance" Summary :

Luffy accepts Law's offer of an alliance to defeat one of the Yonko, despite the initial misgivings of the remaining Straw Hats. Law returns Franky and Chopper to their original bodies, leaving Nami to go into Sanji's body. The group establishes their current objectives: to discover a cure for the children, to find the samurai, and to kidnap Caesar Clown. The G-5 Marines battle the centaurs. In the burning lands, another group of centaurs releases a gigantic Slime creature on Caesar's orders, which quickly annihilates them all.


 One Piece 669 Trivia: On the cover of Chapter 596, Ace’s tattoo is written as “ACE” instead of the original “ASCE”. This suggests that the S was a tribute to Sabo, as the cover is a “what if” image of Ace, Luffy, and Sabo together as adults.

The alliance is done. But who is the guy you want to take down.    I really want to know. I hope is Bigmom. 

''huh? You’ll betray us?''   ''No.''  What a stupid question and stupid captain. Haha~~~~

“Don’t worry!! I’ve got all of you around me!!”  Then , deal…….. What a stupid crew. 

Chopper and Frank are back to their origin body, except Nami. Now she is going into Sanji’s body.   What a poor girl!!

Really funny. Like a doll.


Punk Hazard creature Slime………. But you can not make slime.

If you would like to discuss the Spoilers or predictions, please leave a comment below. Your Feedback is Greatly Appreciated, but NO SPAM here is more expecting and also for our benefits. Thanks for your support.




One Piece 669  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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