Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 683 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 683 spoilers [Predictions & Discussions]

09.19.2012 13:04

One Piece 683 Spoilers!!! One Piece 683 Prediction and Discussions!!!  One Piece 682  has been released now!!!

One Piece 683 Spoiler is on a break this week. We will update this post as soon as the spoiler is out.

One Piece 682  ''Mastermind '' Summary :


Law enters Section D, which contains an enormous storage tank labelled SAD. The door to Section A is sealed shut, and the G-5 Marines worry about Sanji's safety, now that Shinokuni has filled the passage. Sanji leaps down from above, saying the battle ended early because Vergo ran off somewhere.

Vergo contacts Doflamingo, who is at Dressrosa. Upon hearing that Law has reached the SAD production room, Doflamingo orders Vergo to destroy it, and kill Law. He sends two of his subordinates, Baby 5 and Buffalo to Punk Hazard.

In Section B, Brownbeard becomes worried that the dragon will destroy the building, allowing the poison gas to enter. Nami, Usopp, Robin, Brook, and Kinemon all attack it individually, and bring it down. Nami notices Chopper upstairs in Monster Point, fending off the gang of giant children. In the testing room, a child asks Caesar's subordinate what happened to the "other child", saying that a boy named Momonosuke entered a forbidden room and got changed into a dragon.



One Piece 683 Spoiler Trivia: Sanji’s eyebrow is considered one of the “mysteries” of One Piece. As of chapter 598, the mystery has been solved. After the two year separation, Sanji’s hair style changed revealing his left eye and covering his right.



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One Piece 683 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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