Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 705 spoilers [Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]
One Piece 705 spoilers [Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]
04.03.2013 09:16
One Piece 705 Spoilers!!! One Piece 705 Prediction and Discussions!!!
One Piece 704 has been released now!!! Read it on MangaHere.com!
One Piece 704: http://www.mangahere.com/manga/one_piece/v69/c704/
One Piece 705 Spoiler "English Version":
Chapter 705 Maynar
“the pursuer”coverart Caribou’s henchmen all taken out, just to serve as a lesson for all(T may just mean the revolutionaries here)
Franky says as long as he’s identity isn’t revealed, everything’s fine. Then gets to his work. The toy soldier says he’s follow him. Franky says he has no use for someone who doesn’t know where the factory is, but the Toy soldier does indeed know something… he says let’s move to another place before getting into the details.
In the spectators marines are checking out the audiences. The man who was communiating with the marine is Vice Admiral Capman (known as Maynard, the “Pursuer”) and he defeats Balto Romeo/Bartolomeo’s adviser.
Fujitora heads to Green Bit, and orders three warships from the HQ. He finds the number of people they need to protect is more crucial than the number of enemies that must be defeated.Law’s group disguised themselves and arrived at the Green Bit bridge.
While they’re having tea and gathering info, CP-0 appears. Official name is Cypher Pol Aegis ZeroZoro catches the fairy, but falls off the building. The fairy comes floating down from above, carrying the goods. Zoro is suprised. Dofla’s goons contacts Kin and tells him if he values Kanjuro’s life, come with them.
Meanwhile, Sanji is taking out a sniper for Violet. Some strang noise coming from a room on the Sunny….Capman is taken out instantly by Balto Romeo/BartholomeoHe is shown in shadows, but looks pretty menacing
第705話 追撃のメイナード
扉絵はカリブーの部下的な奴ら全滅 見せしめ
?????が正体ばれなきゃいいと言う。?????が仕事に行こうとするとおもちゃの兵隊が付いて来ると言 う。おもちゃの兵隊に工場の場所を知らない奴には用は無いと言う。
客席では海軍が出場者を????している 海兵と連絡を取っていた男は控室で海軍中将?????マン(追 撃のメイナード)でバルトロメオの参謀を倒す
藤虎はグリーンビットへ向かう 軍艦を3隻用意するよう本部へ命令 敵の数より護るべき人の数が重要とい う藤虎
変装したロー達一行はグリーンビット前の橋に到着 お茶して情報収集していると CP-0登場 正式名称 サイファーポールイージス???
バルトロメオは影だけで登場 やばそうな雰囲気
One Piece 704 "Lucy and the Statue of Kyros" Summary:
Luffy is nearly kicked out of the waiting room for starting a fight before the tournament, but is defended by a trio of warriors called the Chinjao Family. Luffy thanks them but one member rejects his gratitude too seriously and tries to attack Luffy while being restrained by his team. One by one, famous warriors from different countries and organizations are introduced as having come to participate in the tournament; the contestants are shown to be organized into four blocks, A to D, with Block A announced to go into a battle royale.
Luffy, after hearing that he will be fighting in Block C proceeds in the armory to gear up for the fight, but is told to remove some of his armor for exceeding the weight limit. The famous beautiful pirate Cavendish makes an entrance, and proceeds to explaining to Luffy (not realizing his identity) the rules of entertainment in the Colosseum, the nature and appeal of bloodsport, his past as a world-shaking pirate and lastly his intent to kill the eleven supernovas for stealing his spotlight two years ago.
While Luffy stares in awe at a great bronze statue of a warrior, a gladiator, Rebecca, arrives and explains to him the legend of Kyros the Undefeated who disappeared from battle for 20 years. The announcer then calls out that the Block A battle royale is over and a champion has been decided, a large man with a paper bag over his head. To the spectacle of the entire Colosseum, the man removes the bag and reveals himself to be Jesus Burgess, the captain of the first ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, who gestures and cheers over the broken bodies of his opponents.
One Piece 705 Spoiler Trivia: Luffy’s number is 0556. Luffy was born on May 05, so that explains the “05″ part, and 5-6 is actually go-mu in japanese, which makes sense coz Luffy is rubber (gomu), so that explains the “56″ part. Lucy = rushi (in japanese pronunciation), to honor Master Roshi (Luffy is also disguised, just like Master Roshi was). ~bzbo9
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One Piece 705 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!