Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 713 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 713 spoilers [MH Confirmed] [Predictions & Discussions]

06.26.2013 17:02

One Piece 713  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 713 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 712  has been released now!!! Read it on MangaHere.com!

Read One Piece 712 Here:  http://www.mangahere.com/manga/one_piece/v69/c712/





One Piece 713 Spoiler Summary: 


One Piece Chapter 713: “Usoland”.

A marine told Fujitora the guy with Law was Caesar Clown.

Fujitora said that Caesar Clown can be remitted if he is the subordinate of the Shichibukai.

Dolfamingo said that Fujitora joined the Marines through worldwide conscription and be considered as powerful guy, the same as Green Bull.


Then Fujitora told Law that he is “black” if he allied with Strawhat or “white” if Strawhat is just his subordinate.

“We are allied!” Law answered.


“Now I revoke your title.” Fujitora said and then released ability.

Meteorite fall from the skys. Law and Dolfamingo shocked. Then they used their own ability to cut and block.


In Dressrosa Sanji called Franky and surprised at Lucy. Violet told Sanji the factory is located in the “Toy House”.


Back to Tontatta Kingdom. Usopp claimed his name is Usoland. Then Usopp and Robin found that there was a statue of Montblanc Noland.

Leo told them Noland is their legendary hero.

“Now we have legendary hero Usoland.”

“Please lead us to annihilate Donquixote Family.” Dwarves said.

“Uh?” Usopp smiled but there was sweat and snot on his face.

Spoiler Pictures: 




--- End ---




One Piece 712 Summary: 

Thirty minutes before Law's meeting with Doflamingo Sanji was seen beaten and bloodied before Violet who was actually an assassin sent to interrogate him about Law's plan. Her Devil Fruit power allows her to look into Sanji's mind for the truth, only to recoil from seeing Sanji's perverted mind. Sanji, who was barely conscious, told her that he never doubted her tears, leaving her genuinely shocked. Before her subordinates could kill Sanji, she quickly defeated them and proceeded to warn Sanji of the grand deception Doflamingo and the World Government pulled.

At the present time, on Green Bit, Robin managed to find Law who told her that they need to get off the island immediately, though she could not directly help him so they decided to escape separately. At that moment, Doflamingo and Fujitora revealed themselves and faced Law in a stand off. Law confronted his former captain who fooled the whole world just to capture ten pirates, and said that it would take someone with the authority of the world nobles to pull off something so ridiculous. Realizing what he said, Law began to see who Doflamingo truly is, but the Shichibukai told him that it is much more deep-rooted.



At the colosseum, the Battle Royale of block C has started, and Luffy is excited to win this for the prize.


 One Piece 712 Manga


What do you think about one piece 712? 



One Piece 713 Spoiler Trivia: Ironically, law wanted poster shows Bepo appearing in the background with his head turned in the same position and stance as Usopp in Luffy’s poster.





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One Piece 713  spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!





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