Spoilers & News > One Piece Spoilers > One Piece 775 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 775 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

01.22.2015 17:20

One Piece 775  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 775 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 774 has been released now!!! Read it now!!! 


 One Piece 775 Spoilers:

---Spoliers End---

One Piece 774"Leo, Warrior Chief of the Tontatta Tribe" Summary:

Robin promises to protect Rebecca in Kyros' stead as the former Gladiator prepares to unleash his wrath on Diamante. At the Third level, Bartolomeo notices some soldiers carrying the unconscious form of Gladius but lets them go, knowing that he is going to be unconscious for a few days.

Leo and his companions are fighting their way into the palace to save Princess Mansherry from her captivity as she is currently being forced to heal the defeated Donquixote Executives by Jora. Leo, with the help of Viola, manages to find them, and his friend Kabu quickly knocks the unconscious executives away before they were revived. With his Devil Fruit power, Leo defeated Jora and saves Mansherry, making the princess rescue mission a success.

What do you think about one piece chapter 774?


One Piece 773 Spoiler Trivia: Nico Robin is the only member of the Straw Hats so far that Luffy did not invite to be part of the crew.


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One Piece 775 spoilers is not avaliable yet, we will update it as soon as it comes out!!!


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