81 Diver

Ch.091 Fire

Ch.001 Ukeshi of Akiba Ch.002 This is Shinken Ch.003 Blind Shogi Ch.004 On Purpose Ch.005 I'm Going Ch.006 Hachi One Diver Ch.007 Goshujin-sama's Growth Ch.008 First Date. Ch.009 Ch.010 Ch.011 Ch.012 Ch.013 Cannot Ch.014 Nakashizu Ch.015 Leading Role Ch.016 Talking Ch.017 Ch.018 Ch.019 Ch.020 Ch.021 Ch.022 Ch.023 Ch.024 Ch.025 Young Man Kirino Ch.026 Relationship Ch.027 Seven Moves Ch.027.5 Monjiyama's Counter-Attack Ch.028 Rival Ch.029 Ch.030 Pro Shogi Player Ch.031 Kishoukai Ch.032 My Sin Ch.033 Show me Ch.034 Fushuuh Ch.035 Disciple Ch.036 Stamina Ch.037 The Ponape Island Man Ch.038 I'm Gonna Sleep Ch.039 Revenge Sorta Thing Ch.040 Don't Worry Ch.041 Audience Ch.042 Win Ch.043 In the Storm Ch.044 Threatmate Ch.045 Munch Munch Ch.046 Meat Shogi Ch.047 Street Fight Ch.048 How Many Sticks of Sugar? Ch.049 Nose in the Air Ch.050 Elephant-san Ch.051 Ninomiya Kinjirou Ch.052 God Ch.053 Intense Gaze Ch.054 Brute Strength Ch.055 Group of Shinkenshi Ch.056 Origin Ch.057 Meaning of Play Ch.058 Quest Ch.059 Manual Mode Ch.060 Meaning of Play Ch.061 Somebody Somewhere Ch.062 The Person on the Other Side Ch.063 Deep Sea Ch.064 Resignation Diagram Ch.065 Rare Card Ch.066 Santa Ch.067 Going Ch.068 Baaya Ch.069 The Decider Ch.070 New York Ch.071 The Elderly Ch.072 That's Right Ch.073 Already Ch.074 Pressure Ch.075 Life Ch.076 Mystery of the Kishoukai Ch.077 Sorry Ch.078 Rescueman Ch.079 Fight Ch.080 Geronimo Ch.081 Snow is Falling Ch.083 With Me Ch.084 Synchronization Rate Ch.085 Anything Ch.086 Rather Good Ch.087 Shogi Lecture Ch.088 Honest Shogi Ch.089 Teasing Ch.090 Fishing Ch.091 Fire Ch.092 A Nap Ch.093 Comparison Ch.094 Chest Ch.095 This World Ch.096 With the Nikogami Style Ch.097 Kick Ch.098 Drawing Ch.099 The Ultimate Maid Ch.100 Die Ch.101 Millennium Ch.102 Coffee Legend Ch.103 Guts Power Ch.104 High Time Ch.105 Poisonous Insect Ch.106 Fatigue Ch.107 Fellow Former Shou Ch.108 Propose Ch.109 2 More Minutes Ch.110 You're An Idiot Ch.111 In My World Ch.112 Caught Between Ch.113 Fated Connection Ch.114 100 People Ch.115 100-Board Play Ch.116 Shogi Demon Ch.117 Dream Ch.118 It Happened Ch.119 Help Ch.120 Bare-Handed Fight Ch.121 Basement Explanation Ch.122 Confession Ch.123 Employer Ch.124 Grand Appearance Ch.125 Shower Ch.126 Baseball Manga Ch.127 New Aphorism Ch.128 Gattsu Gatsu Ch.129 Both Enemy and Friend Ch.130 Tabeko Ch.131 Cabaret Club Ch.132 Chicchi Ch.133 Scary Ch.134 Number One Among Women Ch.135 Shogi Serious Literature Ch.136 Fully Defend Ch.137 Naan Ch.138 No Reaction Ch.139 Single-Minded Policy Ch.140 Scope of Research Ch.141 9-4 Fu Ch.142 Big Family Ch.143 Contents Ch.144 Boxing Ch.145 Third Ch.146 Killing Each Other Ch.147 Coming Out Ch.148 Five Year Plan Ch.149 Please Replenish Ch.150 Hurry Up Ch.151 Black Version Ch.152 Study Time Ch.153 Man From the Neighboring Country Ch.154 Invisible Enemy Ch.155 The World's Largest Ch.156 "Yamato" Woman Ch.157 Girl Ch.158 To Hell Ch.159 Experiment Ch.160 The Oni and the Imp Ch.161 Help! Ch.162 Master and Servant Ch.163 The Man That Was Too Late Ch.164 Toy Ch.165 Right Now... Ch.166 Smile Ch.167 The Spectacle Above Ch.168 Rat Ch.169 Will Not Surrender Ch.170 Prepared Ch.171 7 Billion People Ch.172 Proxy War Ch.173 Declaration of Victory Ch.174 Street Fight Ch.175 Live or Die Ch.176 100 Million Ways Ch.177 The Ultimate Feat of Strength Ch.178 Destruction Ch.179 Climactic Smile Ch.180 Counterattack Ch.181 Goodbye Ch.182 Kick Ch.183 Sworn Friend Ch.184 Candle Ch.185 Single Bug Ch.186 Wonderful Memories Ch.187 Life is Full of Goodbyes Ch.188 The God of Shogi Ch.189 Shogi Despair Ch.190 In the Oni Room Ch.191 Shogi and Violence Ch.192 Pro Players Ch.193 Target Ch.194 Life Span Ch.195 Tanio's Replicas Ch.196 Fight Festival Ch.197 Can't Stop Now Ch.198 A Nice Moron Ch.199 Intruder Ch.200 Magic or a Dream? Ch.201 Poochie Ch.202 On Loan Ch.203 Himiko Ch.204 100 Million Yen Equivalent Ch.205 I'm Begging You Ch.206 Find Mother Ch.207 World Sinking Ch.208 Candy House Ch.209 Battle of Sisters Ch.210 Sudden Big Battle Ch.211 Fantastic Ch.212 Vol.21 Part 1 Ch212~216 Ch.213 Vol.21 Part 2 Ch217~222, Extra Ch.223 Ch.225 Ch.227 Secret Weapon Ch.230 Devil Chicchi Ch.232 The Reason for Shaving Life Away Ch.233 Ch.244 Ch.245 Marriage Proposal!! Ch.246 A Flash of Lightning Ch.247 Frontal Breakthrough Ch.248 Complete Victory Drama Ch.249 Trump Card Ch.250 Secret Weapon Ch.251 Time Ch.252 Mach---!! Ch.253 Mating Each Other Ch.254 The Pro Goes All Out Ch.255 Cross-Examination Ch.256 Ultra-Unique Battle!! Ch.257 Owari Ninja Ch.258 Gangi of the Soul!! Ch.259 Stained Move Ch.262 Expression of Determination Ch.263 Savage Joy Ch.266 Ch.267 Ch.268 Ch.269 Ch.270 Ch.289 First Ever Ch.290 Maiden in Love!! Ch.291 The Princess's Specialty Ch.292 The Dignity of a Pro Ch.293 Different Levels Ch.296 Sister Showdown Ch.297 The One You Love Ch.298 Determination x100!! Ch.299 Dive Into Life Ch.300 Demon's Daughter Ch.301 Clench Ch.310 Ch.324 Ch.331  Absolute Victory Ch.354 Ch.357 Ch.358 Ch.365
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