
Vol.11 Ch.039.2 White Silver Ch2 - Captive

Vol.01 Ch.001.1 The Son of Destiny Vol.01 Ch.001.2 The Son of Destiny Vol.01 Ch.002 Tatara's Shadow Vol.01 Ch.003 Chance Meeting Vol.01 Ch.004.1 Sakura illusion Vol.01 Ch.004.2 Sakura illusion Vol.02 Ch.005.1 Indigo chapter 1 - Start of a Journey Vol.02 Ch.005.2 Indigo chapter 1 - Start of a Journey Vol.02 Ch.006.1 Indigo chapter 2 - Kanmon Tunnel Vol.02 Ch.006.2 Indigo chapter 2 - Kanmon Tunnel Vol.02 Ch.007.1 Sprout Green Chapter 1 - Two Tataras Vol.02 Ch.007.2 Sprout Green Chapter 1 - Two Tataras Vol.02 Ch.008.1 Sprout Green Chapter 2 - Reunion Vol.02 Ch.008.2 Sprout Green Chapter 2 - Reunion Vol.03 Ch.009.1 Sprout Green Chapter 3 - Pirate ship Vol.03 Ch.009.2 Sprout Green Chapter 3 - Pirate ship Vol.03 Ch.010.1 Sprout Green Chapter 4 - Fuujin of the Sea, Raijin of the Earth Vol.03 Ch.010.2 Sprout Green Chapter 4 - Fuujin of the Sea, Raijin of the Earth Vol.03 Ch.011.1 Sprout Green Chapter 5 - Kamikaze Vol.03 Ch.011.2 Sprout Green Chapter 5 - Kamikaze Vol.03 Ch.012.1 Sprout Green Chapter 6 - Jewel of the Kingdom Vol.03 Ch.012.2 Sprout Green Chapter 6 - Jewel of the Kingdom Vol.04 Ch.013.1 Sprout Green Chapter 7 - Signal Vol.04 Ch.013.2 Sprout Green Chapter 7 - Signal Vol.04 Ch.014.1 Green Chapter 1 - Heroes Vol.04 Ch.014.2 Green Chapter 1 - Heroes Vol.04 Ch.014.3 Green Chapter 1 - Heroes Vol.04 Ch.014.4 Green Chapter 1 - Heroes Vol.04 Ch.015.1 Green Chapter 2 - On the road Vol.04 Ch.015.2 Green Chapter 2 - On the road Vol.05 Ch.016.1 Green Chapter 3 - Suzuka Murder Race Vol.05 Ch.016.2 Green Chapter 3 - Suzuka Murder Race Vol.05 Ch.017.1 Green Chapter 4 - The Snake King Vol.05 Ch.017.2 Green Chapter 4 - The Snake King Vol.05 Ch.018 Green Chapter 5 - Seiryuu Vol.05 Ch.019.1 Green Chapter 6 - Heartbeat Vol.05 Ch.019.2 Green Chapter 6 - Heartbeat Vol.06 Ch.020.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch1 - Parasite Vol.06 Ch.020.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch1 - Parasite Vol.06 Ch.021.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch2 - Joker Vol.06 Ch.021.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch2 - Joker Vol.06 Ch.022.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch3 - Crisis Vol.06 Ch.022.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch3 - Crisis Vol.06 Ch.023.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch4 - Wedge Vol.06 Ch.023.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch4 - Wedge Vol.07 Ch.024.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch5 - Wooden Country Vol.07 Ch.024.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch5 - Wooden Country Vol.07 Ch.025.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch6 - Upon a White Horse Vol.07 Ch.025.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch6 - Upon a White Horse Vol.07 Ch.026.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch7 - Cursed Forest Vol.07 Ch.026.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch7 - Cursed Forest Vol.07 Ch.027.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch8 - Fleeting Image Vol.07 Ch.027.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch8 - Fleeting Image Vol.08 Ch.028.1 Lapis Lazuli Ch9 - Premonition Vol.08 Ch.028.2 Lapis Lazuli Ch9 - Premonition Vol.08 Ch.029.1 Verdiris Ch1 - Downfall Vol.08 Ch.029.2 Verdiris Ch1 - Downfall Vol.08 Ch.030.1 Verdiris Ch2 - New World Vol.08 Ch.030.2 Verdiris Ch2 - New World Vol.08 Ch.031.1 Verdiris Ch3 - Hurricane Vol.08 Ch.031.2 Verdiris Ch3 - Hurricane Vol.09 Ch.032.1 Verdiris Ch4 - Scenario Vol.09 Ch.032.2 Verdiris Ch4 - Scenario Vol.09 Ch.033.1 Verdiris Ch5 - Roaring Flames Vol.09 Ch.033.2 Verdiris Ch5 - Roaring Flames Vol.09 Ch.034.1 Verdiris Ch6 - Phamtom Ship Vol.09 Ch.034.2 Verdiris Ch6 - Phamtom Ship Vol.10 Ch.035.1 Verdiris Ch7 - Promise Vol.10 Ch.035.2 Verdiris Ch7 - Promise Vol.10 Ch.036.1 Verdiris Ch8 - Tombstone Vol.10 Ch.036.2 Verdiris Ch8 - Tombstone Vol.10 Ch.037 Verdiris Ch9 - Always Vol.10 Ch.038.1 White Silver Ch1 - Bond Vol.10 Ch.038.2 White Silver Ch1 - Bond Vol.11 Ch.039.1 White Silver Ch2 - Captive Vol.11 Ch.039.2 White Silver Ch2 - Captive Vol.11 Ch.040.1 White Silver Ch3 - Deportation Vol.11 Ch.040.2 White Silver Ch3 - Deportation Vol.11 Ch.041.1 White Silver Ch4 - Verge of Death Vol.11 Ch.041.2 White Silver Ch4 - Verge of Death Vol.11 Ch.042.1 White Silver Ch5 - Canary Vol.11 Ch.042.2 White Silver Ch5 - Canary Vol.12 Ch.043.1 White Silver Ch6 - The name Vol.12 Ch.043.2 White Silver Ch6 - The name Vol.12 Ch.044.1 White Silver Ch7 - Mandarage Vol.12 Ch.044.2 White Silver Ch7 - Mandarage Vol.12 Ch.045.1 White Silver Ch8 - Escape Vol.12 Ch.045.2 White Silver Ch8 - Escape Vol.13 Ch.046.1 White Silver Ch9 - Aurora Vol.13 Ch.046.2 White Silver Ch9 - Aurora Vol.13 Ch.047.1 Scarlet Ch1 - Near Encounter Vol.13 Ch.047.2 Scarlet Ch1 - Near Encounter Vol.13 Ch.048.1 Scarlet Ch2 - Intersection Vol.13 Ch.048.2 Scarlet Ch2 - Intersection Vol.13 Ch.049 Scarlet Ch3 - Wind & Clouds Vol.14 Ch.050.1 Scarlet Ch4 - Expectation Vol.14 Ch.050.2 Scarlet Ch4 - Expectation Vol.14 Ch.051.1 Scarlet Ch5 - River of flames Vol.14 Ch.051.2 Scarlet Ch5 - River of flames Vol.14 Ch.052 Scarlet Ch6 - All Red Vol.14 Ch.053 Scarlet Ch7 - Wish Vol.15 Ch.054 Crimson Ch 8 - Talent Vol.15 Ch.055 Crimson Ch 9 - That Future is Unknown Vol.15 Ch.056 Amber Ch1 - Asleep Vol.15 Ch.057 Amber Ch2 - The Remaining Chrysanthemum Vol.16 Ch.058.1 Amber Ch3 - Friends Vol.16 Ch.058.2 Amber Ch3 - Friends Vol.16 Ch.059 Amber Ch4 - Wild Animal Vol.16 Ch.060 Amber Ch5 - To Narugo Vol.16 Ch.061 Amber Ch6 - Mother Vol.17 Ch.062 Gold Ch1 - Emperor's capital Vol.17 Ch.063 Gold Ch2 - Awaken Vol.17 Ch.064 Gold Ch3 - Rumble Vol.17 Ch.065 Gold Ch4 - Unstable Vol.18 Ch.066 Gold Ch5 - The Assassin Vol.18 Ch.067 Gold Ch6 - Heartily Tune Vol.18 Ch.068 Two Blues Ch1 - Wind of spring Vol.18 Ch.069 Two Blues Ch2 - That day is finally here Vol.19 Ch.070 Two Blues Ch3 - Assassin 2 Vol.19 Ch.071 Two Blues Ch4 - Immortal bird Vol.19 Ch.072 Two Blues Ch5 - Direction of the heart Vol.19 Ch.073 Two Blues Ch6 - Kiss Vol.20 Ch.074 Copper Ch1 - The path Vol.20 Ch.075 Copper Ch2 - Standing on eggs Vol.20 Ch.076 Copper Ch3 - Successor Vol.20 Ch.077 Copper Ch4 - The Evidence of Green Vol.20 Ch.077.5 Extra Ch - After the curtain falls Vol.21 Ch.078 78-82 Vol.22 Ch.083 Final Tale Amethyst Incarnation Vol.22 Ch.084 Final Tale Viridian The Legacies Vol.22 Ch.085 Final Tale Coral The Relics Vol.22 Ch.086 Final Tale Ash White Flames Vol.22 Ch.086.5 Extra How The Seed Was Planted Vol.23 Ch.087 Final Tale Dawn The Answer Vol.23 Ch.088 Final Tale Cerulean Writing "Love" Vol.23 Ch.089 Final Tale Lavender Ace in the Hole Vol.23 Ch.090 Final Tale Tan A Swarm of Mice Vol.23 Ch.090.1 Extra Reunion in Kyoto Vol.23 Ch.090.2 Extra A Sleepless Night Vol.24 Ch.091 Final Tale Sienna Resolution Vol.24 Ch.092 Final Tale Slate - Same Spirit Vol.24 Ch.093 Final Tale Aquamairne Readiness Vol.25 Ch.094 Final Tale Aubergine The Fallen Vol.25 Ch.095 Final Tale Evergreen Leaving Only Flame Vol.26 Ch.001 Appendix 1 MADARA White Story Fig Vol.26 Ch.002 Appendix 2 HAZAMA Blue Story Loquat Vol.26 Ch.003 Appendix 3 NAKAMA Yellow Story Tangerine Vol.26 Ch.004 Appendix 4 DAKARA Azure Story Peach Vol.26 Ch.005.1 Appendix 5 KATANA Rainbow Story Gingko Vol.26 Ch.005.2 Appendix 5 KATANA Rainbow Story Gingko Vol.27 Ch.006.1 Appendix 6.1 KANATA Red Story Silvervine Vol.27 Ch.006.2 Appendix 6.2 KANATA Red Story Silvervine Vol.27 Ch.007 Appendix 7 SARABA Story of Stars Shinbashi Vol.27 Ch.008 Appendix 8 TAKARA Black Story Cherry Vol.27 Ch.009 Appendix 9 HAKAMA Purple Story Pear Vol.27 Ch.010 Appendix 10 PAJAMA Story of Flowers Precious Days Vol.27 Ch.011 Appendix 11 WAKABA Green Story Walnut Vol.27 Ch.012 Appendix 12 SARASA Story of Sand And the Day of Beginning
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