Loki looks like a goat, not like a dog. Even his face shape is reminiscent of a goat. And not once had he lifted his ears- even breeds that have floppy ears can lift them a tiny bit. I feel sorry for Caesar- it's like he's never ever going to get any. Also, surely Nakaba could have just sliced her finger a little bit? She didn't have to practically commit suicide to see blood. If blood freaks her out like it has then just a little bit is enough.
cutiepiggy2212014-04-22 20:43
his eyes!
Visitor2013-01-20 21:34
Loki looks like a goat, not like a dog. Even his face shape is reminiscent of a goat. And not once had he lifted his ears- even breeds that have floppy ears can lift them a tiny bit. I feel sorry for Caesar- it's like he's never ever going to get any. Also, surely Nakaba could have just sliced her finger a little bit? She didn't have to practically commit suicide to see blood. If blood freaks her out like it has then just a little bit is enough.
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