Welcome to Room #305!

Ch.056 To Return

Ch.001 Hello Ch.002 Just for a Month Ch.003 The Second Day Ch.004 Those That Compliment Each Other, Junghyun Who Is Displeased Ch.005 Room # 25 Ch.006 Panic Ch.007 Room # 25 Ch.008 Room # 305 Ch.009 About Hom Ch.010 Hom, Be Wary.. Ch.011 Junghyun's Change, and... Ch.012 Walk In Their Shoes Ch.013 Explaination and a Subtle Change Ch.014 In An Anti's Conversation Ch.015 Room # 305 Ch.016 Hom Who is Sick with a Cold Ch.017 Junghyun Who Faces Hardships Ch.018 Hom's Friends (1) Ch.019 Hom's Friends (2) Ch.020 The Things That Junghyun Sees Ch.021 An Unexpected Reaction Ch.022 Split Up? Ch.023 I'm Going Now Ch.024 The Second Week Ch.025 After One Week Ch.026 Returning Road, 10 Minutes Ch.027 Beginning vs. End Ch.029 Was I Tricked? Part 2 Ch.030 Sangjoong Hyung and Hom Ch.031 People Who Lie, Lie Again, and Again Ch.032 The Things Junghyun was Hiding Ch.033 The Truth Revealed! Ch.034 I am Sorry Ch.035 Up Till Now & After Ch.036 Oh Yoonsung, What's Wrong with You? Ch.037 Finally, after Two Weeks... Ch.038 Our Own Life's Path - 1 Ch.039 Our Own Life's Path - 2 Ch.040 New Beginning. New Person. Ch.041 Rumor Ch.042 Pair Ch.043 Suffering a Side Blow in a Fight Ch.044 Innocent Bystander Ch.045 Explosion Ch.046 Everything Ch.047 My Sister is... Ch.048 Yoonsung Taken Aback Ch.049 Yoona's Anguish Ch.050 Four People Ch.051 My Roommate is Changing Ch.052 Yuuna Suddenly... Ch.053 Resolute Confession of the Siblings Ch.054 Explosion Ch.055 I Cried Ch.056 To Return Ch.057 Rose and Junghyun's First Experience Ch.058 That's What Junghyun Thought Ch.059 Rose Will Never Ch.060 You're Wrong Ch.061 Kim Homo Teaches Stupid Stuff Ch.062 Rose Out. Here Comes KyungAh Ch.063 Rose vs KyungAh Ch.064 Mystery Solved. Turns Back. Ch.065 Last Pink Burst Ch.066 Just So-So Ch.067 Campus Couple? Ch.068 Kim Junghyun's Depressing Week Ch.068.1 Ch.068.2 Ch.068.5 Hello to Room #305! Ch.069 Story Until Now Ch.069.5 And, It Begins... Ch.070 Where Are You, Mool Byung? Ch.071 Drink! & Found! Ch.072 Far Away Ch.073 Us Four Together Ch.074 They Go Well Together Ch.075 It Evaporated. Ch.076 I'm Here Looking For You. Ch.077 Why Did You Hold Me Back? Ch.078 Jung Jihoon & Chuseok Special? Ch.079 Run While You Have the Strength Ch.080 Why Are You Acting Like That Again? Ch.081 Found Out. Ch.082 Reunion Ch.083 Drip Drip Drip Ch.084 Fun Place Ch.085 Rejected. Ch.086 With No Words Ch.087 Clear Weather Ch.088 Easygoing Special Ch.089 Junghyun's Secret Diary Ch.090 All Together! Ch.091 Campus Life Ch.092 It's Lonely Living Away From Home. Ch.093 Filtering For You. Ch.094 It'll Be Alright. Ch.095 Chapter Where It Comes Off. Ch.096 Living Away From Home. Ch.097 Slice of Life Ch.098 Meeting of the Girls Ch.099 Junghyun's Summer Vacation Plan! Ch.100 Woohoo. It's MT! - 1 Ch.101 Woohoo. It's MT! - 2 Ch.102 Woohoo. It's MT! - 3 Ch.103 Ch.104 Ch.105 Ch.106 Ch.107 Ch.108 Ch.109 Ch.110 H...Huh? What? Huh? Ch.111 Ch.112 One Step Ch.113 Sure Ch.114 Resembled Or Resemble Ch.115 Wavering Ch.116 Ch.117 Summer's Over Ch.118 Wake Up Ch.119 Ch.120 Ch.121 Ch.122 Ch.123 Became an Idiot. Ch.124 The Answer Is. Ch.125 Storm. Ch.126 A New Start Ch.127 Daily Life Ch.128 305 Shonen Manhwa Ch.129 That Man and Junghyun Ch.130 Ch.131 Woohoo, It's the Festival - 2 Ch.132 Woohoo, It's the Festival. - 3 Ch.132.5 Ch.133 What Are You Thinking? Ch.134 We Were High School Classmates. Ch.135 Keeps Getting Off-Kilter. Ch.136 Getting Closer. Ch.137 They Meet? Ch.138 Reminiscence Ch.139 You Little... Ch.140 Meeting. Ch.141 Letting It Out. Ch.142 Ch.143 Ch.144 Ch.145 Ch.146 Ch.147 Ch.148 Ch.149 Ch.150 Ch.151 Ch.152 Ch.153 Ch.154 Ch.155 Ch.156 Ch.157 Ch.158 Ch.159 Ch.160 Ch.161 Ch.162 Ch.163 Ch.164 Ch.165 Ch.166 Ch.167 Ch.168 Ch.169 Ch.170 Ch.171 Ch.172
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